In Uganda, most rural youth do not have access to education due to lack of financial means. Lack of education and other support systems perpetuates generational poverty and especially affects girls due to historic gender roles and patriarchy. Rural poverty can result in illiteracy, unemployment, work exploitation, malnutrition, poor hygiene, poor health, early marriages, sexual exploitation, harmful cultural practices, drug abuse and crime.
Thrive Uganda is Ugandan founded and locally operated. We work hand-in-hand with families, rural Schools, and village leadership to support disadvantaged youth beginning in the sixth grade.
Thrive Uganda “graduates” become role models and mentors for our current Achievers.
Thrive Uganda breaks the cycle of generational rural poverty and contributes to the achievement of the four Global Sustainable Development Goals at the grassroots in rural Western Uganda.
Thrive Uganda is a member of Re-Alliance, a coalition of regenerative practitioners, educators, humanitarian and aid workers, and policy makers.
Our Vision
We envision a Uganda where rural youth are not left behind in a fast-changing world and are not left out of opportunities for a fulfilling life. A Uganda where rural youth achieve their aspirations and thrive.
Our Mission
We are building a Uganda where impoverished youth, sustained with compassion, love and kindness, receive the personal, financial and nutritional support to stay in school and receive the education that breaks the cycle of intergenerational poverty.
Our Values
We listen to rural youth and uphold their interests to provide them with effective education opportunities – opportunities that will enable the them to thrive while contributing to Uganda’s economic growth.
We build trust with families, schools, village leaders and development partners so that we can work together as to team lifting up the potential of the rural youth in Uganda.
We invest in rural youth to break the cycle of poverty and help ensure that rural youth are not left out of opportunities for a fulfilling life.
We ensure that in all we do we are creating space for the young people, volunteers and our staff to be innovative while breaking down barriers that hinder rural youth from thriving with dignity.